

My name is Danielle Lagrange and I am a Soul Business Coach and Intuitive Mentor for Healers, Coaches and Leaders who are on a mission to live fulfilling, abundant lives & raise the consciousness of the planet.

I’m here to help you reclaim your power, lean into your intuition and trust yourself so that you can shift into a new, prosperous, purposeful reality that sets your soul on fire.

I created the Radiant Soul brand to remind you of your innate connection to the divine. You have an amazing built-in GPS that will NEVER guide you wrong: your intuition. When you align with that inner wisdom and your soul’s mission, your reality shifts and your dreams start to manifest just by shining your unique, radiant light into the world.

If you landed here, chances are it was for a reason. You’re deeply craving change in your own life and you want to raise the vibration of the collective. You know you have gifts that you’re being called to share with the world, but there’s something blocking you from showing up fully.

Your self doubt and fear may be running the show right now, but I have some great news: I can help you overcome all of your self limitations and stories so that you can break free from the patterns that have been running your life up to this point.

Your past experiences don’t dictate what you’re capable of achieving right now. It is my mission to help you step into your next level of purpose, impact and abundance. You are worthy of receiving everything you desire simply because you are.

My spiritual journey began when I started my business and was following all of the strategy, all of the mindset techniques, and not enrolling a single client. I felt like there was something missing, and I sought after that missing piece outside of myself – serial-investing in coaches who promised the magic secret that would have me rolling in cash.

The truth is, many coaches don’t even know that there’s another way to do a business. A way that gets to feel good, that aligns with your soul, and creates financial abundance as a byproduct of living your purpose.

I’m here to guide you back to your own truth, dismantle the conditioning that’s telling you to play by someone else’s rules to succeed, and empower you to share your unique magic with the world.

You are worthy of being, doing and having everything your heart desires. You deserve to be fully supported, financially, spiritually and emotionally, just by BEING yourself and sharing your light with your soul tribe.

Follow me on Instagram @radiantsoulcoach